What is tkwifi?
tkwifi is a Perl-Tk application to monitor your Wireless and Ethernet connections, and switch between them. It also offers something called "Profiles", which is a list of SSIDs and WEP keys that you can use to connect to private or secure networks.
tkwifi news
tkwifi 0.2 released
nandhp - 2004-09-23 11:42 - tkwifi tkwifi 0.2 has been released. This release updates the about box and tells you (nicely) if you don't have Perl-Tk installed.
tkwifi is a perl-tk application to monitor and switch between your wi-fi and Ethernet connections.
The first release is out!
nandhp - 2004-07-21 14:36 - tkwifi tkwifi 0.1 has been released. This release has lots of great new features.
tkwifi is a perl-tk application to monitor and switch between your wi-fi and Ethernet connections.